It’s official. Coin laundry is out at the Coin Laundry Association. CLA now stands for Connect, Learn, Advocate. The announcement cites “industry shifts — from the dramatic rise in cashless [...]
Hybrid is all about consumer choice. So how come the most popular way to pay in laundromats is being forced out? Coin has anchored tandem setups on washers and dryers at thousands of [...]
You might be shocked to learn coin still dominates the laundromat world. After all, how in the heck could such a progressive industry remain stuck on what many perceive as the dinosaur of pay? [...]
Technology connects us. That is until it doesn’t. Just ask Tesla owners whose batteries got drained in frigid Chicago weather. Or Australians crippled by a massive 12-hour [...]
The race is on for second in laundromat pay. As always, first place goes to coin — dominating self-service vended laundry ever since trailblazers Eugene Farney and Arthur [...]
What is it about coin-op pay? First there was July’s full-page magazine ad from a prominent card system supplier portraying a young store owner pulling out his hair alongside the [...]
Sort or no sort? America’s laundromat owners are divided over separating coins. Single coin purists say no. They make sure only one denomination lands in the money box, even if that means 40 [...]
You can count Kyle Behmlander among the newest generation of laundry owners embracing technological change. Inside the gleaming new Saucon Valley Laundromat in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, he [...]
Laundromats are awash with coin and cash. Two-in-three operators say coinage drives the majority of self-service transactions at their store’s washers and dryers. How about pay station [...]
Nothing creates more buzz in laundromats than awesome promotions. Coin-ops are quite limited in what they can offer, but not token-ops. Check out these ten rockin’ token campaigns… [...]