You might be shocked to learn coin still dominates the laundromat world. After all, how in the heck could such a progressive industry remain stuck on what many perceive as the dinosaur of pay? [...]
The race is on for second in laundromat pay. As always, first place goes to coin — dominating self-service vended laundry ever since trailblazers Eugene Farney and Arthur [...]
What is it about coin-op pay? First there was July’s full-page magazine ad from a prominent card system supplier portraying a young store owner pulling out his hair alongside the [...]
Laundromats are awash with coin and cash. Two-in-three operators say coinage drives the majority of self-service transactions at their store’s washers and dryers. How about pay station [...]
Nothing creates more buzz in laundromats than awesome promotions. Coin-ops are quite limited in what they can offer, but not token-ops. Check out these ten rockin’ token campaigns… [...]
Changers are incredible technological marvels. They’re by far the laundromat’s easiest and most user-friendly machinery. Change-making works without any guidance, registration or prompts. [...]
Ahh, the laundromat business. You know what they say: Just stop in and collect the coins. For Brian Mickley that routine included swinging by for only one machine. The veteran chain [...]
It’s one of those unforgettable “Aha!” moments. The instant you realize your coin laundry can run on more than just quarters. Suddenly, life gets a whole lot better. Bye-bye, weekend [...]
Dryers are where the laundromat business really takes a tumble. Owners find themselves running out of time as they battle high costs with low denomination coins. For some, dryer pay has already [...]
To truly appreciate laundromats you’ve gotta hit up Thailand. Talk about booming. The country’s 3,000 stores are projected to triple by 2030. Market leader Otteri Wash & Dry is [...]