Is coin pay a dinosaur?

You might be shocked to learn coin still dominates the laundromat world.  After all, how in the heck could such a progressive industry remain stuck on what many perceive as the dinosaur of pay? [...]

Giving coin a run for the money

      The race is on for second in laundromat pay. As always, first place goes to coin — dominating self-service vended laundry ever since trailblazers Eugene Farney and Arthur [...]

Coin-yes or coin-less

    What is it about coin-op pay? First there was July’s full-page magazine ad from a prominent card system supplier portraying a young store owner pulling out his hair alongside the [...]

What’s driving hybrid laundry pay?

  Laundromats are awash with coin and cash. Two-in-three operators say coinage drives the majority of self-service transactions at their store’s washers and dryers. How about pay station [...]

Ten rockin’ token promos

    Nothing creates more buzz in laundromats than awesome promotions. Coin-ops are quite limited in what they can offer, but not token-ops. Check out these ten rockin’ token campaigns… [...]

The game changer for change-making  

  Changers are incredible technological marvels. They’re by far the laundromat’s easiest and most user-friendly machinery.  Change-making works without any guidance, registration or prompts. [...]

Laundromat’s new main driver

  Ahh, the laundromat business. You know what they say: Just stop in and collect the coins.  For Brian Mickley that routine included swinging by for only one machine. The veteran chain [...]

The heat’s on dryer pricing 

Dryers are where the laundromat business really takes a tumble.  Owners find themselves running out of time as they battle high costs with low denomination coins.  For some, dryer pay has already [...]

Thai laundry by the baht

    To truly appreciate laundromats you’ve gotta hit up Thailand.  Talk about booming. The country’s 3,000 stores are projected to triple by 2030. Market leader Otteri Wash & Dry is [...]

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